All About Camille Vasquez and Her Role In the Depp-Heard Lawsuit

As the high-profile legal battle continues between Hollywood’s Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, with everyone from fellow celebs and brands to the general public picking sides, one figure has overshadowed even the two A-list stars to become an overnight sensation thanks to her performance in the courtroom.

Camille Vasquez is getting her moment in the spotlight after her tough cross-examination of Heard this week in the courtroom in Fairfax, Virginia. Depp’s diehard fans have even lined up outside the court to get a glimpse of Vasquez or even hug her, reported the New York Post.

Depp is suing his ex-wife for US$50 million on grounds of defamation and, in return, she is counter-suing him for US$100 million for nuisance.

The lawyer has also been racking up millions of views of her cross-examination on the internet and fans have also taken to social media to show their support of her savvy strategies. Some even criticized paparazzi who have tried to start rumors that Vasquez is dating Depp.

One Twitter user wrote, “I can’t believe paparazzi are asking Camille if she’s dating Johnny. Do people not know about boundaries? Let a woman do her job in peace.”

Getting to know Camille Vasquez

The 37-year-old lawyer is an associate at high-profile law firm Brown Rudnick in Orange County, California. She specializes in litigation and arbitration, as per her law firm’s website, and focuses in particular on plaintiff-side defamation cases. She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Southern California in 2006, got her law degree from the Southwestern Law School, and was also named “One to Watch” by Best Lawyers in America for 2021-2022, reported the New York Post. She is one of many lawyers in Depp’s legal team for the ongoing trial but it seems he really knows how to pick them.

Extensive Legal Experience

According to her page on her law firm’s site, Vasquez also has extensive experience in other legal matters. Her current practice focuses on plaintiff-side defamation suits with “additional experience litigating contract disputes, business-related torts and employment-related claims”.

Meanwhile, she is also “adept at formulating offensive and defensive litigation strategies for private clients” and has had experience handling parallel reputation management and crisis communications issues in the past.

Vasquez previously worked at a national firm in Los Angeles called Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP from January 2017 to March 2018, according to her LinkedIn page.

Objection, Your Honor!

Vasquez set the internet ablaze when she was seen objecting to questions from Elaine Bredehoft, a lawyer on Heard’s legal team. The moment saw Vasquez repeatedly objecting to queries that Bredehoft was attempting to ask Heard.

The two-minute video was uploaded to TikTok and has been viewed over 17 million times, per Newsweek, and liked 4.6 million times as of writing. Vasquez objected on the grounds of hearsay, leading the witness and lack of foundation, with her objections mostly sustained by the judge, resulting in Heard’s lawyer rephrasing her questions. At one point she even took a pause and said, “I’m trying, I’m trying,” in exasperation.

Heard Confesses To Fake Donation

According to the New York Post, during the intense cross-examination, Vasquez got “Heard to admit she didn’t follow through on a promise to donate part of her US$7 million divorce settlement to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)”. The actress confessed and said in the courtroom, “I have not been able to fulfill those obligations yet.”

She also grilled the Aquaman actress over several incidents, such as whether Heard edited photos of herself to add bruising and if she assaulted Depp in 2015 in Australia, to which Heard responded: “I didn’t assault Johnny in Australia. I didn’t assault Johnny ever.”

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