In every working woman’s bag there needs to be the things you constantly use, which will become your essentials for everyday life. When you are out again for another busy day, or a work trip you cannot live without these items. Choose the look of the day and choose your business bag- and if possible know already what essentials to put in there to head off fast.
For today’s hardworking and ambitious women, choosing the right work bag was for a long time a real challenge. Since Bag Affair launched the business bag collection, you find your bag easily. Now you only need to know what to put in the bag.
- Laptop Charger
Your bag is your office on the move. Organized, tidy, spacious, and of course reflects your style and personality. Every business bag for women must comfortably carry her laptop, but as well the charger and basic electronics. Don’t go without as otherwise your work day might end earlier than planned.
- USB Drive
Whenever you have a presentation or not, you should always take a USB drive with you – just in case. An easy work accessory to have your documents safely backed up, or to easily and quickly hand out your business portfolio to clients, press, etc. USB’s are an interesting accessory to also make an impression.
- Earphones
On a train ride or a work trip, you can use your earphones to listen to audiobooks, or interesting Ted talks, or answer phone calls while your hands are free to take notes or hail a cab!
- Powerbank
As indispensable as your makeup. Yes, we can’t imagine how we ever lived before Google, but when you’re running late for a meeting, this portable battery charger is a life saver to find the right directions on google maps!
- Keys
You need your wallet on you at all times. We know you always need your wallet, so finding the right size, width, capacity for your cash notes, cheques, receipts, change, cards, is super important. A wallet should also not use too much space in your handbag, but still carry your important necessities.
- Mint
A busy day out for work, travel, lunch, dinner meetings – it’s always good to have mint (or any flavor) fresheners handy. Bad breath is just a turn off, and not just in business!
- Reusable Water Bottle
Stay well hydrated, to stay in shape and conquer your work day, meet all your objectives while remaining healthy. We don’t drink enough water during the day, so it’d be good to have a reusable non-plastic bottle always at hand, fitting into every bag to remember that water is just as important as coffee!
- Business Card Holder
Of course, a business card holder for your cards, a place in the bag to tuck it in nicely. But also think about all the business cards that you collect from your business meetings or networking evening? Well you have a place for that too, to keep cards separated and tidy.