Getting New Windows Saves You Money

Windows are thought to mainly be for looks, but play an important role in insulating your home and can add a huge amount of value to your home. Buyers are looking out for homes with new windows and this can bring your home’s value up by over $12,000. This makes quality windows a vital investment to save money in the long term. 43% of a home utility bill goes towards heating and cooling, which can be reduced by installing new windows. Energy-efficient windows are the cheapest and most effective way to cut down on energy costs – more effective than water heaters and dishwashers. Depending on the climate, replacing windows can save over $400 every year. Better insulation also helps keep your home at a more comfortable temperature more consistently.

Energy efficiency also benefits our planet – when replacing a double pane window with a triple pane window can save over 2,000 pounds of CO2 every year. Replacing a single pane window can save even more at an astounding over 6,000 pounds of CO2 saved, equivalent to over 300 gallons of gasoline. 
Learn more about how getting new windows professionally installed cuts down on costs and your carbon footprint here.

The Value of Windows

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