Sweden Re-elects First Female Prime Minister After Immediate Resignation

Magdalena Andersson has been elected for the second time as Sweden’s first female prime minister in a week. This follows her unexpected resignation right before she was appointed for the seat.
The former finance minister garnered a similar vote shortly last week. However, she gave up the position only hours later after the Green Party (a coalition partner) rejected the government and disputed the matter over a lost budget vote.

Currently, Andersson is forming a minority government consisting only of her party called the Social Democrats. This party comprises 100 seats in the 349-seat in the parliament. In this light, they will have to depend on various parties’ support to implement policies.

It has been noted that since 1979, the said government has imposed decreased assistance in the parliament.
“Like all minority governments, we will seek cooperation with other parties in parliament, and I see good opportunities to do so. The Social Democrats have the biggest party group in parliament by a wide margin. We also have a long tradition of cooperation with others and stand ready to do what is needed to lead Sweden forward.” Andersson said in a news conference.

Conversely, Andersson is now facing to govern on a budget in parts that is overlooked by three opposition parties, including the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats, creating turmoil in Sweden’s political landscape over the past years.

Andersson’s insubstantial hold of power is due to the standstill decision of the center-right and center-left of the parliament to form a majority on their own.

Seven hours after serving as prime minister, Andersson stooped down recently after the Green Party had departed from her two-party coalition. Here, their departure rippled the rejection of Andersson’s budget proposal in favor of the opposition parties, including the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats, the successors of the neo-Nazi movement.
The appointment of Andersson as prime minister has sparked and created a milestone for Sweden, especially since the country has been looked at as one of Europe’s most progressive countries regarding gender relations which now contradicts the issue at hand; a woman holding the highest political post.

During the vote, 101 members of the Riksdag has voted yes, 173 voted no, and 75 abstained. To be appointed as prime minister under the political system of Sweden, the candidates must avoid the majority voting against them.

“To take Sweden forward” This is what Andersson prominently exclaimed at a news conference where she wants to focus on welfare programs, crime, and climate change. Consequently, this would be impossible without the support of the other parties, and Andersson will make yet to face more struggles in passing legislation in parliament.

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