How to Divert Distractions and Keep Your Focus

The hallmark of the 21st century is technological innovation and creation. Unfortunately, being connected to technology can often lead to numerous distractions. In fact, it is reported that people spend 47% of their time thinking about a task other than the one they are currently doing. Obviously, this can lead to major lapses in productivity. Around 2.1 hours are lost due to distractions and around 40% of productivity can be lost by frequently switching tasks. 

Taking notes can be very important to mitigating the unproductivity issue. In fact, utilizing paper and pencils to write down a task makes you 42% more likely to achieve this goal. Unfortunately, ideas on paper are not transferable and can often get lost. You could try to type on a digital device, but that device can also become a distraction. Similarly, speech-to-text can be efficient, but it can have poor translations.

Fortunately, there are novel solutions. Apps like Vnote help take advantage of typing or speech-to-text, making it a speedier and easier solution. These apps also harness the power of AI content creator tools in order to rewrite, revise, and expand upon ideas that are already jotted down. Whether for business or for pleasure, Vnote helps to keep you focused and productive on the task at hand.

Capture Thoughts for Future Use

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