How Automation Can Change Mobile App Development

As technology advances further and further, there is a trend for greater efficiency and less effort to be exerted. Currently, automation has risen to fulfill this desire. In fact, 24% of development processes are entirely automated, which is a 16% rise since just 2 years ago. One particular methodology of automation, called CI/CD, has gained some notoriety, and likely holds great future potential.

CI/CD stands for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment. Essential, this methodology aims to reduce the amount of time and effort involved in deploying new updates to an application. Often, this task is a menial and tedious yet unavoidable portion of releasing new code to an application. But what CI/CD pipelines truly stand to radically improve is the process of mobile application development.

The current environment for mobile applications involves frequent updates and rapid evolution of apps. Consequently, many applications cannot afford to stagnate, and seek to accomplish new changes as soon as possible. This is where CI/CD automation can best actualize its large potential. By integrating CI/CD automation into mobile application development through external applications, certain applications may find a competitive advantage over other similar applications. Especially so with applications like Bitrise that centralize third-party services and CI/CD pipelines into one place.

The Importance of Automating Your Mobile CI/CD Pipeline

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